When did the game release?
Rise of Agon launched on Friday May 5th, 2017.
Is there a box price for Rise of Agon?
There is no box price for Rise of Agon. You can gain access to the game through our subscription packages and by utilizing our in-game subscription token you can purchase in the Online Store.
What does purchasing a subscription get me?
Purchasing a subscription provides you with Premium game time which removes all Free-to-play restrictions.
What are Game Time Tokens?
Using one of these tokens in-game provides the user's account with an additional 30 days of Premium game time. These tokens are tradeable and drop on death.
What are Nithron coins?
Nithron coins are the currency tied to your account that allows for the purchase of in-game services and Game Time Tokens, along with cosmetics planned for a later date.
How do I redeem items purchased in the Nithron coin shop?
When you purchase an item with Nithron coins from our Online Store, the item(s) will be sent to your Deliveries tab in-game seen below. Once you go into this tab, click on the "Receive" button to accept the item(s) and have them sent to your bank where they can be retrieved.

When will more cosmetics be available?
We plan to add in more cosmetics and items that are not pay-to-win for our players to purchase with Nithron coins throughout development.